
Hypermediation originates in an initial undervaluation of the potential of the web and online sales mechanisms, subsequent distractions and numerous poor practices used by tourism service providers, and in particular hoteliers, as approaches to distribution.
With the scrapping of the parity rate and the advent of meta search engines and instant booking sites, is disintermediation still possible?

Introduction, moderation and conclusions
Robi Veltroni – Coordinator of the “Toolbox” format at BTO 2015

Rodolfo Baggio – PhD FRGS Master in Economics and Tourism at the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University
Angelo La Riccia – Sales director UNA Hotels S.p.A.
Luciano Scauri – Member SKL International Consulting
Marco Baldan – President and Amministratore Delegato Nozio srl

All the events of December 2nd [Day One]