Roma caput web?

In Italian

Italy has been the cultural centre of the western world at many times in history, and its astonishing culture, art and tourism is evidence of this. How can technology restore to the centre of world attention a country that in 1960 attracted 1 in 4 tourists and today attracts 1 in 25?

The advent of the Digital Single Market opens up extraordinarily important possibilities for an highly fascinating land which now has the chance of promoting itself in its most attractive garb: culture and tourism.

Which strategies will allow one-off opportunities to be created in the next ten years? Which stakeholders need to be involved to make this happen?

Keynote Speaker
Gianpiero Lotito – Founder FacilityLive

Introduction, moderation and conclusions
Roberta Milano – Scientific Committee BTO 2015

All the events of December 3rd [Day Two]